Saturday, October 31

Review Avanza 2021

Keunggulan Toyota Avanza 2022 Tipe G
Avanza 2021 masih menjadi pilihan utama para pecinta mobil di Indonesia, berbagai kalangan menggunakan mobil ini sebagai mobil pribadi, dan ada yang menggunakan Avanza 2021 ini sebagai kendaraan operasional perusahaan. Bagi pengguna yang ingin menjadikan Avanza 2021 sebagai mobil pribadi tentu tertarik dengan model G, karena tipe ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan tipe E di bawahnya. Lantas apa saja kelebihan Toyota Avanza 2021? Ini komentarnya.
Penampilan Avanza 2021 G 
Soal ukuran Avanza 2021, baik G atau E, tidak ada banyak perbedaan, namun sangat terlihat dari tampilannya. Seperti yang kita lihat pada artikel sebelumnya, ukuran avanza 2021 adalah panjang avanza 2021 4.190 dan lebar avanza 2021 1.660.Saat kita melihat lampu Avanza 2021, perbedaan tampilan sudah terlihat jelas. Bagaimana tidak lampunya disematkan pada lampu depan LED yang baru? Desainnya sangat menarik. Bagian depan desain gril radiator baru dengan dekorasi krom juga lebih menarik. Menengok ke belakang, desain dekorasi pintu belakang baru Chrome tak pelak menambah tampilan stylish dan mewah pada mobil Toyota avanza 2021 ini. Masih di bagian belakang, lampu kombinasi belakang yang baru juga membuat mobil ini semakin elegan. Di kaca spion, desain kaca spion eksterior baru dengan rotasi samping dipasang Lampu sinyal dan fungsi teleskopik memiliki tampilan baru, sehingga memudahkan pengemudi untuk menyetelnya. Velg menggunakan desain velg baru, yang akan membuat berkendara di jalan perkotaan bahkan pedesaan terasa lebih nyaman.

Perubahan Interior Avanza 2021 G 
Tidak hanya tampilannya yang membedakan tipe G dan E, tipe G dari Avanza 2021 juga memiliki beberapa keunggulan. Misalnya, desain dasbor suasana estetis abu-abu baru dan warna sarung jok baru yang indah memberikan kesan mode dan keanggunan kepada orang-orang. Beragam fungsi juga disematkan pada Avanza 2021, seperti tersedianya panel instrumen sentral baru dengan tampilan AC digital, sehingga memudahkan pengemudi dalam mengatur AC di dalam mobil. Selain itu, steering switch baru disediakan, dan ketersediaan soket listrik (baris pertama dan baris kedua) dan port USB (baris ketiga) juga memastikan kebutuhan pengemudi dan penumpang. Yang tidak bisa Anda lewatkan adalah host layar sentuh terbaru yang canggih. Jika Anda menggunakan mobil avanza 2021 ini, bisa lebih memenuhi kebutuhan multimedia Anda. Karena pemasangan desain instrument cluster baru, tampilan modern juga sangat kentara.

Fitur Keselamatan Toyota Avanza 2021
Toyota Avanza 2021 juga menyediakan berbagai fitur keselamatan berkendara, seperti dual SRS airbag, sabuk pengaman dengan pretensioner dan force limiter, ABS (anti-lock brake system), sabuk pengaman 3 titik, dan juga cocok untuk Sahabat dengan anak-anak. avanza 2021 dilengkapi dengan fungsi ISOFIX. 

Harga Toyota Avanza 2021 Tipe G
Dengan Perubahan yang sangat jauh dari generasi sebelumnya, jadi berapa harga Avanza 2021 yang dibanderol G ini? Harga model Avanza 2021 G antara 224.200.000. Harganya OTR Jakarta di bulan Juni. Jika sobat tertarik untuk memiliki mobil Avanza 2021 ini, silahkan kunjungi dealer toyota terdekat.
READ MORE - Review Avanza 2021
Sunday, April 12


Auto Insurance Coverage in Singapore - Car Insurance / Motor Insurance Policy Explained
Auto Insurance Coverage in Singapore - Car Insurance / Motor Insurance Policy Explained
There is largely 3 types of Motor Insurance in Singapore :

1. Comprehensive
2. 3rd Party, Fire & Theft
3. 3rd Party Only

Insurance Coverage Details:
Comprehensive (aka COMP)
* This is the most common product line for Motor Insurance in Singapore.
(It is the most common because motor car owners have imperfect information on what insurance coverage to go for, so in order to "play safe", most simply opt for the fullest coverage.)
* Covers Own Damage repair on insured own vehicle
* Covers 3rd Party Damage repair on 3rd party's vehicle
* Excess / Deductibles usually applies
* In the event of Total Loss (Due to serious Accident or Theft) the insurance company will pay out the Market Value of the vehicle AT the time of Loss

3rd Party, Fire & Theft (aka TPFT)

* This is getting more common with the recent constant increase in Motor Insurance Premium in Singapore.
(It's increasingly common because the auto insurance premiums have skyrocketed over the past 5 years in Singapore, the main reason being cited was that the car insurance companies have been making losses...... Another reason is that car owners are getting more insrance-savvy and sophisticated, thus they know that not all cars need to purchase COMP insurance.)
* This is subject to the approval of the finance company of the car
* Covers 3rd Party Damage repair on 3rd party's vehicle ONLY
* Excess / Deductibles usually DO NOT applies
* In the event of Total Loss (Due to serious Accident or Theft), the insurance company will pay out the Market Value of the vehicle AT the time of Loss

3rd Party Only (aka TPO)
* This is also getting more common in the mist of increasing vehicle insurance in Singapore.
(Unfortunately, this gets more commont oo, but for less pleasnat reasons. Some car owners fail to have insurance renewed, and could not find another insurer to renew their motor insurance. This is mainly becuase they were involved in an accident, and made significant amounts of claim. To get insured, they had to settle for TPO)
* This is subject to the approval of the finance company of the car
* Covers 3rd Party Damage repair on 3rd party's vehicle ONLY
Source :


 Factors affecting Premiums for Auto Insurance / Car Insurance in Singapore
Factors affecting Premiums for Auto Insurance / Car Insurance in Singapore
Profile of Insured / Registered Owner of the car

1. Age
This is the one time where it pays to be older. Generally, if an insured person is older, the premium will generally be lower. But this is only true up to 69yrs old. Once a person crosses into 70yrs old, most insurer will not want to take up the risk. So for drivers who is <26yrs old or > 70yrs old, premium are generally higher due to higher risk.

2. Driving Experience
Basically, since there are no other benchmarks on driving experience, the insurer will base it on the Date when the Singapore driving license are obtained. Due to the increasing population of Expatriates, Employment Pass holders & Permanant Residents population in Singapore, some insurer DO take into consideration the driving license which the person has obtained from their home country. This generally helps lower the motor insurnace premium that needs to be paid by them.

3. Make & Model of the car
The rule of the thumb would be that the premium will be lower for those Make & Model which has better claim experience. (Think Toyota Vios / Nissan Latio vs Mitsubishi EVO / Subaru WRX). Another possibility could be also due to a larger brand share of a particular Make & Model which reduces the risk undertake by the insurer.
Below are some general Motor Insurance Premium price band by Brand
(Premium indication below excludes Turbocharged / Supercharged / High Performance vehicle / Coupes / Cabriolets / High valued vehicle)
NOTE : Information below are correct as on Jan 2010
Low Premium - Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Chevrolet & KIA
Medium Premium - Honda, Lexus, BMWs, Mercedes, Audi, Volkwagon & Renault
High Premium - Subaru & Mitsubishi
Disclaimer : Above are estimates correct as on Jan 2010 but information above are solely for reference purposes and :
We shall NOT be liable for any gains / losses that may arises from the above information.
We shall NOT be responsible for any reference link that may refer you to us.

4. Claims history
Put it simply, the more you claim, the more expensive will be your neneweal auto insurance premium, This is the part which may cause HUGE increase in Motor Insurance Premium. Due to escalating claims, car insurance rates have increased about almost 50% over the last 3 years. Claims record in Singapore stays with a person for 3 years. Therefore, to keep your premium low, careful driving without claims is one of the best way.

Another way is to pay a small fee to preserve your NCD (explained below). Thus, even when you make a claim, your insurance discount will still be effective.
Due to the huge claims suffered by insurer in recent years, once a person has :
* 1 claim of > $30K in the last 3 years
* 2 claims of any amount in the last 3 years
The person will probably have to SELL their car as there is NO insurer that will be willing to insure that person.

What is NCD / NCB?
NCD - No Claim Discount
NCB - No Claim Bonus
No Claim Discounts [NCDs] are discounts provided by insurance companies to offset against motor insurance premium. They are typically employed to reward policy holders for good driving records. This is being adopted by all motors insurance companies in Singapore.
When there is a change in insurer for the motor vehicle insurance, NCDs can also be transferred. For policy holders to continue to enjoy the NCD with the new insurer, insurance companies have to exchange information on policy holders’ NCD records.
Last, but not the least, you can check with Traffic Police if you have a valid Certificate of Merit (COM aka "White Card"). If so, you stand to enjoy a further 5% on your annual auto insurance quote upon renewal.
Source :


About Car Insurance
Auto accidents can happen—yes, even to the best of us. An auto insurance policy can help cover repairs to your vehicle and medical costs in the event of an accident. Think of it as your firewall against economic disaster should you be found at fault for property damage or injuries to other people.

Understanding Your Auto Insurance
We admit it. Auto insurance isn't the easiest thing to comprehend. You may feel like you need a PhD, the Rosetta Stone, and Sherlock Holmes to de-code all of the language about your auto insurance coverages.
Really, though, it's not that complicated. Here's a quick overview that will have you understanding auto insurance so well, you may just want to read your policy for fun! (OK-maybe not.)
What are the coverages?
Bodily injury liability provides protection if you injure or kill someone while operating your car. It also provides for a legal defense if another party in the accident files a lawsuit against you.

In the event of a serious accident, you want enough insurance to cover a judgment against you in a lawsuit, without jeopardizing your personal assets.

Bodily injury liability covers injury to people, not your vehicle. Therefore, it's a good idea to have the same level of coverage for all of your cars.

Medical payments, no-fault or personal injury protection coverage usually pays for the medical expenses of the injured driver and passengers in your car. There may also be coverage if you are injured by a vehicle as a pedestrian.

Uninsured motorists coverage pays for your injuries caused by an uninsured driver or, in some states, a hit-and-run driver. In some states, there is also uninsured motorist coverage for damage to your vehicle.

Given the large number of uninsured motorists, this is very important coverage to have, even in states with no-fault insurance.

Comprehensive physical damage coverage pays for losses resulting from incidents other than collision. For example, comprehensive insurance covers damage to your car if it is stolen; or damaged by flood, fire or animals. To keep your premiums low, select as high a deductible as you feel comfortable paying out of pocket.

Collision coverage pays for damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle or other object. To keep your premiums low, select as large a deductible as you feel comfortable paying out of pocket. For older cars, consider dropping this coverage, since coverage is normally limited to the cash value of your car.

Property damage liability protects you if your car damages someone else's property. It also provides you with legal defense if another party files a lawsuit against you. It is a good idea to purchase enough of this insurance to cover the amount of damage your car might do to another vehicle or object. 

Why should I buy my auto insurance from GEICO?
Here are five great reasons to buy an auto insurance policy from GEICO (presented in no particular order):
Most customers save money because we offer some of the best auto insurance rates around.
You can reach us any time, day or night, any day of the year.
You deal directly with GEICO.
We settle claims quickly and fairly.
We are financially stable with a solid reputation.
We are part of Warren Buffett's Berkshire-Hathaway, Inc
Source :


Geico Motorcycle Insurance Review
About Motorcycle Insurance
It's a great day for a ride. 
Whether you're still riding with a death grip or have so many bikes in your garage there's no space for the car, GEICO offers a motorcycle insurance policy that is right for you. We insure most types of motorcycles including: sport bikes, cruisers, touring bikes, Enduros, scooters, dirt bikes, trikes and some custom bikes.

Stay Vertical With Cycle Insurance From GEICO
Of course you don't plan on crashing your bike or having it stolen but if bad luck gives you the nod, you'll be glad you have top notch cycle insurance coverage.

Having motorcycle insurance coverage benefits you, your bike and others on the road. Here is a rundown of the coverages included in a GEICO motorcycle insurance policy (in as simple terms as our lawyers will allow):

Accessories coverage provides protection for your accessories. You must, however, carry comprehensive or collision coverage on your policy. Accessories may include: saddlebags, backrests, seats, chrome pieces and CB radios. If needed, additional coverage can be purchased. Collision coverage provides protection for your helmet as well. (Coverage amounts vary by state.)

Bodily injury liability coverage insures you against certain damages if you injure or kill someone while operating your motorcycle and also provides you with a legal defense if another party in the accident files a lawsuit against you. We have multiple limits of protection from which to choose.

Collision coverage pays for covered damage to your motorcycle when it hits, or is hit by, another vehicle.

Comprehensive physical damage coverage pays for covered losses resulting from incidents other than collision, such as theft, fire or vandalism.

Medical payments, no-fault or personal injury protection coverage provide medical coverage for yourself and your passengers. You may select medical coverage in most states.

Property damage liability coverage insures you against certain damages caused to someone else's property while operating your motorcycle and provides you with a legal defense for such claims if another party files a lawsuit against you. We have multiple limits of protection from which to choose.

Uninsured/Underinsured motorists coverage pays for injuries caused by an uninsured driver in a crash that is not your fault.

Motorcycle Insurance From GEICO
Whether you're a hard-core motorcyclist or a weekend road warrior, GEICO® Motorcycle insurance gives you big protection without a big price. You'll find us to be a solid, stand-up company, insuring motorcycles and riders since 1978. We offer affordable rates, 24/7 customer service and fast, fair claim handling. Don't just take our word for it, check out our motorcycle insurance reviews and ratings.

With GEICO you can stand out from the crowd by customizing your motorcycle policy to meet your personal requirements. Choose the type of coverage you need for your bike, the deductibles you want, and the payment plan that suits your wallet.

And wait, there's more! You may qualify for some of our special discounts that will make your motorcycle insurance premiums even lower. Please Visit Geico Motorcycle Insurance

Source :


Results and Statistics

RED BULL GRAND PRIX OF THE AMERICAS Moto3 Warm Up Classification 2015
Austin, Sunday, April 12, 2015
Pos.Num.RiderNationTeamBikeKm/hTimeGap 1st/Prev.
123Niccolò ANTONELLIITAOngetta-RivacoldHonda225.02'24.891
212Matteo FERRARIITASan Carlo Team ItaliaMahindra222.22'26.0971.206 / 1.206
317John MCPHEEGBRSAXOPRINT RTGHonda220.62'26.7531.862 / 0.656
410Alexis MASBOUFRASAXOPRINT RTGHonda220.12'26.8761.985 / 0.123
588Jorge MARTINSPAMAPFRE Team MAHINDRAMahindra222.92'27.9453.054 / 1.069
620Fabio QUARTARAROFRAEstrella Galicia 0,0Honda218.72'28.3683.477 / 0.423
732Isaac VIÑALESSPAHusqvarna Factory LaglisseHusqvarna217.92'28.3793.488 / 0.011
863Zulfahmi KHAIRUDDINMALDrive M7 SICKTM220.62'28.5343.643 / 0.155
97Efren VAZQUEZSPALeopard RacingHonda220.82'28.7763.885 / 0.242
106Maria HERRERASPAHusqvarna Factory LaglisseHusqvarna224.22'28.8303.939 / 0.054
1195Jules DANILOFRAOngetta-RivacoldHonda217.72'28.9364.045 / 0.106
1298Karel HANIKACZERed Bull KTM AjoKTM221.72'29.0464.155 / 0.110
1355Andrea LOCATELLIITAGresini Racing Team Moto3Honda217.32'29.0554.164 / 0.009
1458Juanfran GUEVARASPAMAPFRE Team MAHINDRAMahindra223.52'29.0834.192 / 0.028
1529Stefano MANZIITASan Carlo Team ItaliaMahindra220.92'29.3954.504 / 0.312
169Jorge NAVARROSPAEstrella Galicia 0,0Honda226.12'29.7874.896 / 0.392
175Romano FENATIITASKY Racing Team VR46KTM219.72'29.8804.989 / 0.093
1865Philipp OETTLGERSchedl GP RacingKTM222.32'30.2165.325 / 0.336
1976Hiroki ONOJPNLeopard RacingHonda226.72'30.5575.666 / 0.341
2031Niklas AJOFINRBA Racing TeamKTM217.82'30.9016.010 / 0.344
2111Livio LOIBELRW Racing GPHonda222.22'31.0046.113 / 0.103
2241Brad BINDERRSARed Bull KTM AjoKTM219.82'31.8406.949 / 0.836
2340Darryn BINDERRSAOutox Reset Drink TeamMahindra219.82'31.9527.061 / 0.112
2484Jakub KORNFEILCZEDrive M7 SICKTM219.12'32.3507.459 / 0.398
252Remy GARDNERAUSCIPMahindra212.02'32.7437.852 / 0.393
2644Miguel OLIVEIRAPORRed Bull KTM AjoKTM218.92'33.1588.267 / 0.415
2724Tatsuki SUZUKIJPNCIPMahindra217.22'35.04510.154 / 1.887
2821Francesco BAGNAIAITAMAPFRE Team MAHINDRAMahindra223.62'35.58910.698 / 0.544
2916Andrea MIGNOITASKY Racing Team VR46KTM217.92'37.31112.420 / 1.722
3022Ana CARRASCOSPARBA Racing TeamKTM217.32'37.74512.854 / 0.434
3191Gabriel RODRIGOARGRBA Racing TeamKTM225.32'38.27113.380 / 0.526

19Alessandro TONUCCIITAOutox Reset Drink TeamMahindra

33Enea BASTIANINIITAGresini Racing Team Moto3Honda

52Danny KENTGBRLeopard RacingHonda

Weather Conditions:

  |   Track Condition: Wet|   Air: 20º| Humidity: 100%|   Ground: 21º


Fastest Lap: Lap: 6Niccolò ANTONELLI2'24.891136.9 Km/h
Circuit Record Lap: 2013Luis SALOM2'16.345145.5 Km/h
Best Lap:2015Danny KENT2'15.344146.6 Km/h


RED BULL GRAND PRIX OF THE AMERICAS Moto2 Qualifying Classification 2015
Austin, Saturday, April 11, 2015
Pos.Num.RiderNationTeamBikeKm/hTimeGap 1st/Prev.
119Xavier SIMEONBELFederal Oil Gresini Moto2Kalex273.92'09.888
222Sam LOWESGBRSpeed Up RacingSpeed Up271.92'09.9420.054 / 0.054
31Tito RABATSPAEG 0,0 Marc VDSKalex276.32'10.0770.189 / 0.135
45Johann ZARCOFRAAjo MotorsportKalex273.42'10.1020.214 / 0.025
521Franco MORBIDELLIITAItaltrans Racing TeamKalex271.02'10.1350.247 / 0.033
630Takaaki NAKAGAMIJPNIDEMITSU Honda Team AsiaKalex273.22'10.1900.302 / 0.055
760Julian SIMONSPAQMMF Racing TeamSpeed Up274.82'10.2610.373 / 0.071
840Alex RINSSPAPaginas Amarillas HP 40Kalex273.92'10.4880.600 / 0.227
977Dominique AEGERTERSWITechnomag Racing InterwettenKalex276.42'10.5130.625 / 0.025
1023Marcel SCHROTTERGERTech 3Tech 3274.62'10.5480.660 / 0.035
1136Mika KALLIOFINItaltrans Racing TeamKalex276.42'10.5760.688 / 0.028
123Simone CORSIITAAthinà Forward RacingKalex274.72'10.5900.702 / 0.014
1395Anthony WESTAUSQMMF Racing TeamSpeed Up274.32'10.5940.706 / 0.004
1439Luis SALOMSPAPaginas Amarillas HP 40Kalex280.82'10.8540.966 / 0.260
1555Hafizh SYAHRINMALPetronas Raceline MalaysiaKalex274.12'10.8941.006 / 0.040
1611Sandro CORTESEGERDynavolt Intact GPKalex279.42'10.9301.042 / 0.036
1712Thomas LUTHISWIDerendinger Racing InterwettenKalex281.12'10.9851.097 / 0.055
184Randy KRUMMENACHERSWIJIR Racing TeamKalex273.42'11.0311.143 / 0.046
1994Jonas FOLGERGERAGR TeamKalex273.02'11.0921.204 / 0.061
2088Ricard CARDUSSPATech 3Tech 3273.42'11.1041.216 / 0.012
217Lorenzo BALDASSARRIITAAthinà Forward RacingKalex269.22'11.2861.398 / 0.182
2296Louis ROSSIFRATasca Racing Scuderia Moto2Tech 3271.02'11.4861.598 / 0.200
2373Alex MARQUEZSPAEG 0,0 Marc VDSKalex274.32'11.6611.773 / 0.175
2425Azlan SHAHMALIDEMITSU Honda Team AsiaKalex272.12'11.9542.066 / 0.293
2570Robin MULHAUSERSWITechnomag Racing InterwettenKalex273.92'12.5092.621 / 0.555
2610Thitipong WAROKORNTHAAPH PTT The Pizza SAGKalex273.12'12.7352.847 / 0.226
2766Florian ALTGEROcto Iodaracing TeamSuter272.32'13.3923.504 / 0.657
2851Zaqhwan ZAIDIMALJPMoto MalaysiaSuter274.22'13.5453.657 / 0.153
292Jesko RAFFINSWIsports-millions-EMWE-SAGKalex275.02'14.1184.230 / 0.573

49Axel PONSSPAAGR TeamKalex

Weather Conditions:

  |   Track Condition: Dry|   Air: 22º| Humidity: 78%|   Ground: 27º


Fastest Lap: Lap: 16Xavier SIMEON2'09.888152.7 Km/h
Circuit Record Lap: 2014Maverick VIÑALES2'10.103152.5 Km/h
Best Lap:2015Xavier SIMEON2'09.888152.7 Km/h

RED BULL GRAND PRIX OF THE AMERICAS MotoGP Qualifying Nr. 2 Classification 2015
Austin, Saturday, April 11, 2015
Pos.Num.RiderNationTeamBikeKm/hTimeGap 1st/Prev.
193Marc MARQUEZSPARepsol Honda TeamHonda342.62'02.135
24Andrea DOVIZIOSOITADucati TeamDucati339.02'02.4740.339 / 0.339
399Jorge LORENZOSPAMovistar Yamaha MotoGPYamaha333.62'02.5400.405 / 0.066
446Valentino ROSSIITAMovistar Yamaha MotoGPYamaha335.92'02.5730.438 / 0.033
535Cal CRUTCHLOWGBRCWM LCR HondaHonda337.32'02.6130.478 / 0.040
645Scott REDDINGGBREG 0,0 Marc VDSHonda334.72'02.6740.539 / 0.061
729Andrea IANNONEITADucati TeamDucati338.02'02.7920.657 / 0.118
841Aleix ESPARGAROSPATeam SUZUKI ECSTARSuzuki324.92'02.8690.734 / 0.077
944Pol ESPARGAROSPAMonster Yamaha Tech 3Yamaha338.02'03.1611.026 / 0.292
1038Bradley SMITHGBRMonster Yamaha Tech 3Yamaha338.32'03.4401.305 / 0.279
119Danilo PETRUCCIITAPramac RacingDucati334.42'03.7411.606 / 0.301
1225Maverick VIÑALESSPATeam SUZUKI ECSTARSuzuki328.12'03.7541.619 / 0.013

Weather Conditions:

  |   Track Condition: Dry|   Air: 21º| Humidity: 82%|   Ground: 25º


Fastest Lap: Lap: 6Marc MARQUEZ2'02.135162.4 Km/h
Circuit Record Lap: 2014Marc MARQUEZ2'03.575160.6 Km/h
Best Lap:2015Marc MARQUEZ2'02.135162.4 Km/h

Friday, March 27



List price from £29,945 Lease price from £355 The verdict 7 
Jaguar XF review. The Jaguar XF is an executive saloon with a real feel-good factor. Grace, space and pace: the three things a Jaguar should offer according to the company's founder, Sir William Lyons. Today, though, Jaguar's rivals are so good that simply being gracious, spacious and... ahem... pacious... isn't enough. Fortunately, the XF saloon was designed with this in mind. When it was launched in 2008 it was better than anything you could buy from Audi, BMW or Mercedes. And it remains a strong contender, thanks to its eye-catching interior, strong diesel engines and entertaining drive.


Practical boot, but a bit tight in the back

There’s plenty of space in the front of the XF, but its swooping roofline means you have to be careful not to bang your head when climbing in and out of the rear. Also, while adults do fit back there, they can’t stretch their legs out like they can in the Audi A6, BMW 5-series and Mercedes E-class. In-car storage and boot space are harder to fault. And the XF’s rear seats fold down so you can enlarge the luggage area, a handy feature that Mercedes charges extra for. 

The faster you go, the better it gets

The suspension isn’t particularly good at dealing with bumps in the road when you’re driving around town. However, things improve significantly with speed, making the XF a relaxing cruiser. True, it lets in a bit more wind noise than a BMW 5-series, but the 2.2-litre diesel engine is reasonably smooth and the 3.0-litre diesel exceptionally so. The front seats adjust electrically, too, to help you find a good driving position, but the seats themselves aren’t especially supportive. 

Dashboard layout
Looks great, but touchscreen control system is fiddly

The XF’s interior has a real sense of occasion to it. The vents in the dashboard automatically open when you start the engine, while tasteful slivers of wood and aluminium combine with blue backlighting to create an ambience more akin to a cosmopolitan cocktail bar than a car interior. Sadly, when you look a little closer you see that some of the plastics in the XF aren’t as classy as those in its German rivals.To make matters worse, most functions are controlled through a touchscreen that’s fiddly to use and slow to respond. 

Easy to drive
Effortless on the move; tricky to park

An automatic gearbox is standard across the range, and this combines with gutsy engines to make driving the XF about as taxing as sitting in your favourite chair. Sadly, parking it isn’t quite so simple due to a small rear window that means you can’t see much out the back. You’re very reliant on the parking sensors. 

Fun to drive
A real joy on a challenging road

If your commute to work includes a fast A-road or a tricky B-road, you’ll be glad you chose an XF.It combines precise, involving steering with loads of grip and an ability to glide over dips and crests, making even the most basic model deeply satisfying to drive quickly. Alternatively, if it’s not quite entertaining enough for you in standard form, the XFR and XFR-S versions offer a truly brutal turn of speed and an even more exhilarating driving experience. 

Jaguar has an excellent customer satisfaction record these days

This is clearly an XF strength because it finished third out of 116 cars in the 2013 JD Power customer satisfaction survey, whereas the Mercedes E-class was 13th, the BMW 5-series 25th and the Audi A6 68th. Like these rivals it comes with a three-year warranty, although you do have to pay extra for breakdown assistance; Mercedes gives you four years of cover as standard. 

Fuel economy
Not bad, but not the best

The most fuel-efficient version of the XF uses a 2.2-litre diesel engine that averages 57.7mpg, a figure that would have been seriously impressive a few years ago. However, you can now buy versions of the BMW 5-series and Mercedes E-class that manage more than 60mpg. The 3.0-litre diesel XF is more competitive, matching the 47.9mpg that you get from the equivalent E-class engine, but it’s still beaten by the 3.0-litre diesel 5-series. 

Prices are a mixed bag; good residuals, though

The XF has higher CO2 emissions than some other executive saloons, which means it will cost you slightly more to run as a company car. However, leasing rates are competitive, so if you’re prepared to pay the extra, the company accountants are unlikely to have a problem with you choosing an XF. Resale values are strong, too, which is good news for private buyers. And the higher up the range you go, the better value the XF looks compared with rivals; the XF 3.0 diesel R-Sport, for example, costs a lot less than the Audi A6 3.0 TDI S-line, the BMW 530d M Sport or the Mercedes E350 Bluetec AMG Sport. 

Crash test score is disappointing

The XF comes with a host of features that are designed to make it a safe place to be, including six airbags and systems that increase braking force in an emergency and help to control skids.Sadly, the XF still scored only four stars when it was crash tested by car safety specialist Euro NCAP, whereas all its key rivals achieved the maximum five-star rating. This doesn’t mean the XF is unsafe – indeed, this sort of score would have been acceptable a few years ago – but it is below par for a modern car. 

Standard spec
Pretty good, but basic versions are missing some key things

It would be unfair to call Jaguar stingy, because every XF comes with alloy wheels, climate control, Xenon headlights and satellite-navigation. However, while rivals such as the Audi A6 and BMW 5-series give you leather upholstery and heated front seats as standard, Jaguar charges extra for leather on SE and R-Sport models, and only provides heated seats as standard on the pricey Premium Luxury and Portfolio models. The best way around this is to go for the Luxury spec and add the Comfort Pack, which includes heated front seats and a heated windscreen. 

Our favourite version 
3.0 V6 Diesel 240 Luxury, list price £35,865 

Options you should add 
Metallic Paint (£650) and Winter Comfort Pack (£570)

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List price from £42,355 Lease price from £670 The verdict 4 
Infiniti QX70 review. The stylish Infiniti QX70 4x4 looks like nothing else on the road. It’s fair to say Nissan’s luxury brand, Infiniti, hasn’t been a huge success in the UK yet. However, this QX70 model is one of its better sellers. A rival to sporty 4x4s, such as the BMWX5 and PorscheCayenne, the QX70 blends a raised driving position with striking looks and offers greater exclusivity than any of its rivals. 

Disappointing for such a big car

The QX70 is like the Tardis in reverse; it’s huge on the outside, but has a surprisingly small interior. While four adults can fit, those in the back can’t stretch out like they can in other big 4x4s. And the boot isn’t much bigger than a VW Golf’s. More positively, there’s a decent amount of storage space around the driver, and the rear seats can be folded flat. 

Overly firm and you feel too much engine vibration

Every QX70 has an electrically adjustable driver’s seat that makes it easy to get comfortable. Sadly, you won’t stay that way for long because the QX70 thumps over potholes. In fact, even on roads that look relatively smooth, you can feel the car shimmying around beneath you. Three engines are available: 3.7- and 5.0-litre petrols and a 3.0-litre diesel. The petrols are smooth enough, but the diesel sounds a little gruff when you accelerate and it sends too much vibration into the car in stop-start traffic. 

Dashboard layout
Some awkwardly positioned controls

It’s easy to adjust the cabin temperature or fan strength. Unfortunately, you have to stretch to reach the controls for the stereo and satellite-navigation. Also, while the dashboard looks reasonably smart, the switches and cupholders feel cheap compared with those in other premium 4x4s. 

Easy to drive
Feels too wide for UK roads

You sit high in the QX70, so get a good view of the road ahead. Sadly, there are big over-the-shoulder blind spots that make changing lanes tricky. The QX70 is also a very wide car and you can’t tell where its bonnet ends from the driver’s seat. These issues combine with heavy steering to make it tricky to drive in town. Whichever engine you choose, there’s no shortage of performance, and every model comes with an automatic gearbox and the reassurance of four-wheel drive. 

Fun to drive
Better than you might expect

If you can put up with the QX70’s firm ride, you’re rewarded with good composure; it doesn’t lean much when you ask it to change direction and there’s a decent amount of grip. The BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne both have more consistently weighted steering, though. 

Little information, but warranty is merely average
There hasn’t been much feedback from UK owners, simply because Infiniti sells so few cars here. However, the company does have a good record in the U.S. version of the JD Power customer satisfaction survey. More disappointing is the fact that the warranty on the QX70 expires after three years or 60,000 miles - whichever comes first. Rivals such as the BMW X5 and Range Rover Sport have three-year, unlimited-mileage warranties. 

Fuel economy
You’ll spend a lot at your local filling station

The diesel version of the QX70 has an official average of just 32.8mpg, while in the real-world you’ll struggle to get more than 25mpg out of it. Unsurprisingly, the 3.7-litre and 5.0-litre petrol models are even less efficient. 

High running costs and weak resale values
The QX70 is priced in line with other big 4x4s, but it won’t be worth anything like as much when you come to sell it. These weak resale values make it expensive to lease, too, and you’ll need deep pockets to afford the insurance bills.

Lots of driver aids available

Like most modern cars, the QX70 has a stability control system that helps you regain control if the car starts to skid, plus it’s fitted with front, side and window airbags in case an accident proves unavoidable. These features helped it score a maximum five-star rating in the independent Euro NCAP crash testing programme. GT Premium models also feature a system that keeps you from drifting out of your lane on the motorway, and another that can automatically apply the brakes if it looks like you’re going to run into the car in front. 

Standard spec
Every version is well equipped

Every QX70 comes with a long list of standard features, including climate control, heated and cooled leather seats, a powered tailgate and cruise control, plus you can play music and make phone calls via a Bluetooth connection. GT Premium models add a Bose stereo, satellite-navigation and an adaptive cruise control system that keeps you a set distance from the car in front. Meanwhile, S versions of the QX70 are sportier to drive and look at. 

Our favourite version 
3.0d GT Premium, list price £46,805 

Options you should add 
Metallic paint (£760)
